Extortion emails
Extortion emails

extortion emails

Unfortunately, many scam encounters result in monetary loss in Vermont. “If you still need help identifying if something is a scam, call us at CAP at 80.” “If you get a suspicious call, remember to slow down, hang up the phone, and take notes on the interaction,” warned Attorney General Donovan. Donovan urges Vermonters to Take it Slow: scammers will pressure you to act fast, demanding personal information and payment, while threatening extreme consequences if you do not comply. With scam attempts remaining high, Attorney General T.J.

extortion emails

Six-hundred-eighty-three Vermonters reported receiving “free money” scam calls where they were told that they had won a prize or money and needed to pay fees or taxes upfront to collect. Claiming the number two spot on the list of top ten scams in 2020 were “free money” scams. Vermonters filed 5,021 scam reports with the Attorney General’s Consumer Assistance Program (CAP) in 2020. The Social Security number phishing scam, which typically involves calls claiming that your Social Security number has been compromised, suspended, or linked to criminal activity, remained the most commonly scam for the second year in a row with 1,160 reports filed.

Extortion emails